Paradise By The Sea


7-Month Honeymoon Journey!

swisscoupleParadise just had the privilege of hosting a young couple from Switzerland who are traveling north on their 7-month-long honeymoon. Nadine and Philip Lutolf have been experiencing the trip of a lifetime, after their wedding in a quaint village just outside of Zurich last summer.

They purchased a custom fitted Land Cruiser, drove it to Germany, and shipped it to Uruguay. From there, they took a ferry to Buenos Aries to begin their trip heading north through Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Columbia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Mexico and California.

Only the youngest and heartiest of souls could not only survive, but thrive through some of their harrowing experiences. In the midst of the unique beauty they discovered in each country, they also shared with us some terrifying times! They endured Nadine’s acute illness and hospitalization in Bolivia, blockades in Columbia where they and other tourists were actually under attack, and lastly a nine-hour ordeal in Tijuana at the border.

But nothing, absolutely nothing, could dim their memories of the most majestic site they’ve seen in their lifetime: the Mayan ruins of Tikal, Guatemala. Located deep inside a jungle that extends as far as the eye can see, plazas and pyramids have been discovered that Philip and Nadine describe as utterly breathtaking!

We wish them well in their marriage and future travels, and hope they will return to see us here at Paradise by the Sea! To see more about their journey, visit
~Kathy Sampson


Paradise By The Sea
1537 S Coast Hwy
Oceanside, California 92054

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(760) 439-1376